Southwestern University School of Law, Los Angeles, Juris Doctorate Degree
Oxford University, Oxford, England
Tulane University School of Law
Rush University, Chicago, Illinois, BSN, Dean’s List
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
Nursing Licenses
California, Louisiana and Illinois
Professional Nursing Experience
United Medical Personnel, Beverly Hills; Registry Staff relief
Nursing Services International, Beverly Hills; ED and critical care staff relief
Professional Medical Services, Inc., New Orleans, La.
Tulane Hospital, New Orleans, La.; ED and Burn Unit
Rush Presbyterian St. Luke Medical Center, Chicago; ED, ICU and Medical-Surgical Units
Medical Personnel Pool, Chicago registry; ED, Medical and Surgical floors.
Professional Legal Experience JD, RN, BSN
Legal-Nurse Consultant (independent contractor) 35+ years
Reback, McAndrews and Blessy, Manhatten Beach, CA
Reback, McAndrews, Kjar, Warford & Stockalper, LLP, Manhatten Beach, CA.
Fonda & Associates, Los Angeles, CA.
Fonda, Hester & Associates, LLP, Los Angeles, CA.
Fonda & Fraser, LLP, Los Angeles, CA.
Fonda, Hilberman & Fraser, LLP, Los Angeles, CA.
Fonda & Hilberman, LLP, Los Angeles, CA.
Fonda, Garrard, Hilberman & Davis, Los Angeles, CA
Fonda & Garrard, Santa Monica, CA.
Professional Organizations
SCAHRM, Member
American Association of Nurse Attorneys
American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants
Rush Presbyterian St. Luke Nurses Alumni Association
CPR & AED re-certification, July 8, 2015
Medical Reserve Core Certified State Disaster Service, Los Angeles County, CA.
ESAR-VHP (Emergency System Advance Registration for Volunteer Health Professionals), Los Angeles County, pre-qualified health volunteer to provide critical care services following terrorist attack, disaster, or other public health emergency
Published Work
“Records Can Make A Case,” NURSEweek
“The Role of the Medical Legal Specialist,” NURSEweek
Teaching: Medical-Legal Nursing Issues
Advanced Clinical Nursing Elective, Pacific Union College
Triage & Beyond, Medical Legal Issues for Emergency Room Nurses
Invited Speaker – Medicolegal Aspects of Pediatric Emergency Care
Invited speaker for insurance companies re: analysis/evaluation of medical records